Over the coming months I am excited to be able to share with you a very special project I have been working on that is finally starting to move forward. After many months of planning, patient waiting (well mostly) and reams of legal red tape the renovations to turn my clients’ home from a typical suburban home into a fully accessible home is starting to take shape. The tree protection boards are all up, permits are all in place and this week brick will be coming off the back of the house all in preparation for a very large hole than needs to be dug.
Working alongside an Accessibility and Barrier Free construction company my role is to look after all of the aesthetics, making sure that whilst the home is accessible and meets their needs; it also serves them well as a family and reflects their tastes and personalities. We aren’t designing with resale in mind, we are designing for a family that has no intention of moving and love where they live, they are happy to play with colour and want nothing to look remotely institutional.
People underestimate the role of good design when it comes to accessibility construction and remodeling. Understanding the functionality of each decorative item is so important and further than that…understanding how each item will function in relation to spactial needs is a big job! Great work, looking forward to seeing the final reveal!
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